Faculty Web Profiles

Powered by Faculty Activity Reporting, Interfolio Faculty Web Profiles help faculty tell their academic story with ease.

Make connections, attract funding, highlight accomplishments, and demonstrate success at the individual and institutional level.

Interfolio allows institutions to

Generate robust faculty profiles on your website with minimal effort
Showcase funded grants, coursework, and service to the community, not just research output
Make easier connections between departments and beyond your institution
Demonstrate the strength of faculty collaboration and impact worldwide
Evidence impact beyond traditional citations with Altmetrics and PlumX

Peers Who Manage Faculty Data Through Interfolio

Case Study: Emory University

Emory University uses Interfolio’s Faculty Activity Reporting module to capture and report out faculty DEI activities—and makes publications reporting easy for faculty with the unique Data Service.

Read the Case Study

Product Overview: Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting

Want to show others at your institution how Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting will bring a new level of efficiency, accuracy, and transparency to your academic data?

The product booklet includes an overview of functionality and some key screenshots. Get your free copy today to share!

Get the Free Booklet

Estimate Your Potential Savings

Take advantage of our detailed savings estimate model—and get an idea of how much time you could save by moving your faculty hiring onto Interfolio.

Let us run the numbers for your institution!

Contact us today to understand how much time you could give back to faculty, deans, and staff—starting this year.

Get in Touch

White Paper: Faculty Information and the Postmodern ERP - Interfolio

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